12 Mar

I worship You, Abba-

You're LORD over all.

Your creation boasts wonders

from greatest to small.

By Your command

all things were made.

Under Your counsel

I need NOT be afraid.

I thank You, my Abba-

for sending Your Son.

He showed me Your heart

and victory was won.

I've seen no greater love

than the price Jesus paid.

With His shed blood,

my value portrayed.

I praise You, my Abba-

You're constant and true.

Your Spirit guides me 

in all that I do.

I walk in Your righteousness,

power and love.

You dwell in my heart,

NOT distant above.

I surrender, my Abba-

to Your will and plan.

I trust You, alone; 

NOT in mere man.

I stand in Your strength,

by submitting to Your will.

Convinced my purpose,

You will fulfill.

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